To The Traffic Mobility Review Board

To The Traffic Mobility Review Board: As members of the for-hire vehicle ("FHV") industry in New York City, representing over...

By The For-Hire Vehicle Industry of New York City | August 25, 2022

So what’s up with Rudy Giuliani?

So what’s up with Rudy Giuliani? There is very little good that you can say about the guy. He was...

By Alan S. Chartock | August 25, 2022

Preparing for the 2023 Budget and Legislative Session The 2023 state budget discussions have already started and teams are moving forward to prepare for the upcoming session....

By Shenker Russo & Clark LLP | September 14, 2022

The Change of Seasons is Upon Us

The change of seasons is upon us. There is that moment when we realize that the long days of summer...

By Alan S. Chartock | August 16, 2022

So what constitutes corruption?

Are the police corrupt? We know that power corrupts and as Lord Acton famously put it, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”...

By Alan S. Chartock | August 12, 2022