Statement of New York State AFL-CIO President Mario Cilento on Federal Collective Bargaining Executive Order Stripping Workers of their Right to Unionize
Albany, NY – “This executive order is a direct attack on working people, an assault on workers’ rights, and a blatant attempt to silence workers. It strips workers across the federal government of their fundamental right to unionize and collectively bargain. It is a textbook example of union-busting.
“Let me be very clear, the Union Movement in New York State stands united. We will fight this outrageous assault on working people with all the strength of our collective resolve.”
The New York State AFL-CIO is a federation of 3,000 unions, representing 2.5 million members, retirees, and their families with one goal: to raise the standard of living and quality of life of all working people. We keep New York State Union Strong by fighting for better wages, better benefits, and better working conditions. For more information on the Union Movement in New York, visit www.nysaflcio.org.