Organizations Supporting Restoration of Medicaid Quality Incentive Pools

| March 22, 2023

Hon. Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Senate Majority Leader
Room 907, LOB
Albany, NY 12247

Leader Hon. Carl Heastie, Assembly Speaker
Room 932, LOB
Albany, NY 12248

Dear Leader Stewart-Cousins and Speaker Heastie:

On behalf of a broad group of providers and community-based organizations addressing social care needs, we are writing to urge the restoration of funding for the Medicaid Quality Incentive Program in the final FY24 State Budget. We appreciate the recognition of the importance of this funding in both the Senate and Assembly one-house budget proposals, and hope to see a full restoration in the final budget.

New York has been a national leader in delivering high-quality care to its Medicaid beneficiaries – largely as a result of efforts by managed care plans and their provider and community partners. The Medicaid Quality Incentive Program has been an essential resource in advancing quality in Medicaid, helping to incentivize efforts aimed at addressing the core causes of health disparities and improving health outcomes for underserved populations.

Plans are measured on outcomes that address disparities faced by the most vulnerable Medicaid members, including whether pregnant individuals receive timely pre- and post-natal care, whether children and adults receive appropriate preventive care and screenings, and whether home-bound members receive care to keep them healthy and out of the hospital – and only receive incentive funding for achieving superior results.

Quality Incentive funds are used to support programs including:

  • Covering the cost of healthy food home delivery programs to members with chronic illnesses and high-risk pregnant individuals.
  • Providing in-home wellness visits for individuals who have been unable to see their primary care provider; connecting them to preventive care and other vital services.
  • Testing innovative care models, like using maternal care navigators and doulas to improve care coordination and follow-up for high-risk pregnant individuals.

The Department of Health’s own 2020-2021 report on the Medicaid Quality Incentive Program recognized the important work this funding supports, stating:

“The use of financial incentives has proven successful in engaging Medicaid managed care plans in developing infrastructure, programs, and resources to promote high quality care. Incorporating financial incentives that tie payment directly to quality is an important approach to improving the quality of care, holds health plans accountable for the care they provide, and rewards those who invest in processes that improve care.”

Nevertheless, funding for this program has been consistently reduced over the past several years and the FY24 Executive Budget eliminates it altogether.

We urge you to fully fund the Medicaid Quality Incentive Program to support both mainstream Medicaid managed care and managed long term care plan quality pools, and work to codify the program in statute, as outlined in S.3146 (Mannion).


1st Class Care Services Inc
Adult Health NP House Calls
Advanced Home Care Services
African Heritage Food Co-Op
Ahava Rehabilitation Center
Albany Community Action Partnership
Albany Damien Center
American Senior Care Corp.
SADC Bhrags Home Care Corp.
Big Apple Home Care Agency
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Capital Region
Brentwood Pediatric & Adolescent Associates
Capital District LATINOS
Capital Roots CARES of NY
Catholic Charities Care Coordination Services
Chinese American Independent Practice Association
Cliffside Rehabilitation and Residential HCC
Commission on Economic Opportunity
Comfort Food Community
Complete Care Management
Continental Home Care
Elite Home Health Care
Empire Adult Day Care Center Inc
Exclusive Home Care Services
Family Promise of the Capital Region
Floral Home Care Services
Friends and Family Home Care Services
Galaxy Home Care
Great Home Adult Daycare Center
Hallelujah Adult Day Care
Happiness Adult Day Care Center Inc.
Haym Salomon Home
Healthy Family Social Daycare
Hillside Certified Home Health Agency
Home Clean Home
Homeless and Travelers Aid Society
JANGSU Daycare Joseph’s House & Shelter
Kang Adult Day Care LLC
Link Homecare
Mom Starts Here
The New Jewish Home Care
New York Health Care, Inc
Open Door Family Medical Centers
People Care Home Care
Precious Hearts Adult Social
Rego Park Seniors Club
Rendrcare Royal Adult Day Care Center
Royal Home Care
Salcare Home Health Services, Inc.
Sarang Day Care
St. Catherine’s Center for Children
Trinity Alliance of the Capital Region
Unity House
Valmar Surgical Supplies/DME
Vesta Healthcare
Wonderful Senior Program Inc.
Wonderful Social Adults Daycare Center
Woori Adult Daycare
YWCA of the Greater Capital Region