NY is already on the precipice of affordable, universal health coverage. Reject Single Payer.

New York is on the precipice of universal health insurance coverage. Thanks to recent federal and state actions, we have already achieved universal access for children through age 19, seniors age 65 and older, and pregnant women and new mothers. The Governor has also pledged to seek federal approval for subsidized coverage for undocumented immigrants.

Our uninsured rate, despite a global pandemic, is currently under 5%, with the true uninsured rate actually lower because a majority of uninsured are eligible for Medicaid coverage today but have not yet enrolled. With the recent actions noted above, New York will be the first state in the country to have near universal coverage.

New Yorkers can rely on continued progress under the current health care system, provided by the state and private sector working together, especially in improving affordability. This public-private partnership is what has kept the health system afloat during the pandemic.

With such accomplishments, it defies logic to deconstruct the entire health care financing system in favor of a government-run single payer health care plan that would leave New Yorkers with less choice, the largest state tax increase (over $250 billion) in the history of the country and put total control in the hands of Albany bureaucrats.

Instead of forcing 19 million New Yorkers into an untested government run system, legislators should focus on building on the historic attainment of universal coverage by addressing the “under-insured” and improving affordability and reducing costs.

New York has proven to be a leader in providing access to health coverage for all of our residents. It makes little sense to abandon these efforts by turning to a government run health plan.

Submitted by the members of the Realities of Single Payer coalition.


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