New York State AFL-CIO Statement on New Gallup Poll regarding Approval of Labor Unions

By New York State AFL-CIO | August 30, 2022

Albany, NY – A new Gallup Poll released today finds that 71 percent of Americans approve of labor unions, the highest approval recorded by Gallup since 1965.

“The data from Gallup confirms what we are seeing right here in New York State as workers organize in the cannabis and agriculture industries and at Amazon, Starbucks, and at nonprofits,” said Mario Cilento, president of the New York State AFL-CIO.

“When you think of the challenges that workers faced throughout the pandemic, it has become very clear that at no other time in recent memory has it been so vitally important to be able to have a voice in the workplace. That is exactly what union membership gives you and this poll confirms. Workers recognize that we are much stronger together. It’s that simple,” Cilento added.


The New York State AFL-CIO is a federation of 3,000 unions, representing 2.5 million members, retirees and their families with one goal; to raise the standard of living and quality of life of all working people. We keep New York State Union Strong by fighting for better wages, better benefits and better working conditions. For more information on the Union Movement in New York, visit []