New York State AFL-CIO Announces Post Primary Endorsements in Congressional and State Senate Races
Albany, NY – Today, the 2.5 million member New York State AFL-CIO announced post primary endorsements of candidates running for Congress and New York State Senate.
Mario Cilento, President of the New York State AFL-CIO said, “These candidates have gone through a rigorous vetting process and have earned our support. We make these endorsements with great confidence that these candidates are committed to fighting hard to improve the lives of all working people and to help grow the middle class.
“We look forward to educating, engaging and mobilizing our members to ensure a victory for all of our endorsed candidates.”
Below is a list of the newly endorsed candidates.
District Candidate
1 Bridget Fleming (D)
10 Dan Goldman (D)
12 Jerold Nadler (D)
19 Josh Riley (D)
21 Matt Castelli (D)
22 Francis Conole (D)
State Senate
District Candidate
4 Monica Martinez (D)
52 Leah Webb (D)
Here is the complete list of all endorsed candidates.
The New York State AFL-CIO is a federation of 3,000 unions, representing 2.5 million members, retirees and their families with one goal; to raise the standard of living and quality of life of all working people. We keep New York State Union Strong by fighting for better wages, better benefits and better working conditions. For more information on the Union Movement in New York, visit www.nysaflcio.org.