By Empire Report Staff

This fundraising solicitation was sent on the morning of September 14, 2018… just hours after 6 IDC Members were defeated in primaries…

Dear Friend:

Anyone who cares about the future of New York State should be scared to death about what happened last night.

In case you missed it – The Democrat Socialists won a number of victories in contested primaries and are now more emboldened than ever to try and take over the Senate and control our entire state government – joining the New York City Democrat controlled Assembly and a Governor with rampant national ambitions.

It is now time for voters to turn down the volume of their attacks on the former members of the Independent Democratic Conference (IDC) and take a good, hard look at what these progressive socialists really stand for.

It’s frightening.

They will make New York a sanctuary state prohibiting local law enforcement from cooperating with federal officials even when an illegal immigrant has been convicted of a violent crime. Sanctuary status could cost us billions of dollars in federal aid.

They will give driver’s licenses to illegals, along with free college tuition while the middle class struggles to afford it.

They will create a new government-run healthcare system controlled by bureaucrats in Albany that would ban private health plans, cut reimbursements to hospitals and doctors, limit patient choice, and, according to the Rand Corporation require $210 billion in new taxes to finance.

They will stifle, if not eliminate any new construction, progress, and real economic growth, with ever higher taxes, mandates and regulations.

They will tilt the scales of justice towards convicted violent criminals and away from law-abiding New Yorkers and their families. It’s already happening with the parole of cop killers and the pardoning of thousands of Level 3 sex offenders so they can vote in this November’s election.

They will do nothing to protect our communities from the big-time Heroin dealers targeting our kids.

They will drive vital resources from Upstate, Long Island and the Hudson Valley, and shift even more resources and investments into New York City pet projects and new entitlements.

They will place a new tax on grocery bags and even usher in taxpayer-funded political campaigns – – so that professional politicians can have you the taxpayer pay for their negative TV ads, their glossy mailers and their annoying robocalls.

The Democrat Socialists are on the march, and if they are allowed to implement their radical agenda, New York will never be the same.

You and I can prevent that from happening, but we must act now. There is absolutely no time to waste.

If the Democrat Socialists running for Senate succeed in November, no one will be around to protect hardworking taxpayers. No one will be standing up for the small business community and entrepreneurs. Dysfunction and chaos will permeate our state Capitol. And, they will bankrupt our great state.

Our Senate Majority has never been more important than it is today. We are the leaders and the last line of defense. And, we hold it by one seat. I hope we can continue to count on your support.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that New York’s future is at stake. And, we need all hands on deck.


John J. Flanagan
Majority Leader, New York State Senate