Haley Viccaro named Strategic Communications Director for Climate at DEC

By HOCHUL PRESS OFFICE | October 7, 2021

Statement from Haley Viccaro, Senior Advisor for Communications for Governor Kathy Hochul

I was proud to serve, once again, on the communications team during the Hochul Administration’s transition. After serving in my previous role overseeing communications for the energy and environment portfolio, I’m excited for this next step to pursue my interests and focus to help advance New York’s aggressive climate agenda.


Statement from NYS DEC Commissioner and Climate Action Council Co-Chair Basil Seggos

For some time, we’ve been working to expand our ongoing efforts to amplify New York’s ambitious work to address climate change, both here at DEC and specifically in support of the Climate Action Council’s release of the final Scoping Plan to meet New York’s climate goals. To be successful and meet the climate challenge, we must engage all New Yorkers in this work. Haley Viccaro will be joining DEC to fill this role and strategically drive our climate-focused communications and outreach. She’s been a key voice in the State’s Energy and Environment team, and this critical work will continue with the team at DEC.