David Garten Announces Launch of Red Oak Street

| March 2, 2023

From David Garten’s e-blast announcing the launch of Red Oak Street:

Having transitioned into a new role as Senior Advisor at RXR, I am excited to announce the launch of Red Oak Street, a multidisciplinary strategic consulting firm that provides a suite of services designed to bridge the gap between the public and the private sector to achieve win-win outcomes. Named after the street where my late father grew up on the west side of Charleston, West Virginia, Red Oak Street offers actionable and efficient solutions to advance complex projects and to get the job done.

Whether it has been my time with former Senator Hillary Clinton or with the late Senator Frank Lautenberg, at the MTA or the Port Authority, or most recently with Scott Rechler and the team at RXR, I have been incredibly fortunate to work with many inspiring and talented people on some of the most important projects in the country. I am grateful for these relationships and experiences, and I look forward to continuing this success with Red Oak Street.

With deep gratitude,



More information about Red Oak Street can be found at https://www.redoakstreet.com/.