MARIA COMELLA announces formation of new firm Comella & Co

By Comella & Co. | October 26, 2022


Many of you have worked with or have known me over the years in a role I am most comfortable in – the person behind the person. It has been a place I have felt I could do what I do best – develop a strategy, build a brand and execute – whether in political campaigns,  government or the private sector.

Yet, it’s been clear to me there are two values which have carried me throughout the varied roles I’ve been fortunate to have.  A love of building the thing from inception to execution and simply getting to work with good and compelling people.

Which is why when I was presented with an opportunity that would make it possible to break out and create something that is truly my own – from the work, to the culture to the people – it wasn’t a hard decision.

This does, however, mean putting myself and my name more front and center than I’m used to. And even though there have been a few months of work already under our belt, I’m excited to formally put into the world Comella & Co.  A consulting firm grounded in the belief that has been the core of the strategic guidance I’ve provided over the last 15+ years  – your greatest vulnerability is the distance between what you practice and what you preach.

Knowing where you want to go and understanding your values is what defines you. This is just as fundamental to what I am seeking to build in the coming years as it is to what we always try to achieve for our clients. You can’t get to the how without knowing the why.

I can’t thank those of you enough who have been so instrumental in my life, both professionally and personally, and part of the reason I’ve gotten to this moment.  We are all truly the sum of the people who have been with us along the way.

And here’s to a lot more joining the ride.
