| September 1, 2020

Donation will provide reusable masks and food to Albany families through

Feed Albany and PAL

ALBANY, NY (8/20/2020) –AT&T joined City of Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan to announce a $30,000 donation in support of COVID-19 relief and public safety programs as part of AT&T’s ongoing commitment to delivering resources to communities for public safety, food insecurity and distance learning across the country during the global pandemic.

Specifically, AT&T will donate $10,000 to Feed Albany in support of its mission to feed essential workers, first responders, and the food insecure; and $20,000 to Albany’s Police Athletic League (PAL) for its effort to purchase and distribute free new, reusable face masks to Albany students preparing to go back to school.

“As a result of COVID-19, many of our residents have struggled to obtain food and PPE, however Feed Albany and Albany’s Police Athletic League have stepped up and helped our community when we needed it the most,” said Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan. “This generous donation from AT&T is vital to supporting the efforts of these community organizations and most importantly supporting our residents.”

To kick-off the free face mask distribution efforts, Mayor Sheehan, AT&T and PAL officials gave masks to 40 students taking part in PAL’s summer program, while reminding everyone of the importance of wearing face masks to protect themselves and others.

“AT&T is honored to work with Mayor Sheehan to provide support to these two remarkable community organizations as they tirelessly help Albany residents impacted by the pandemic,” said Kristin Duffy, director, External Affairs, AT&T. “Since its onset, New Yorkers have been dedicated to working together to get through this crisis. Programs like these by Feed Albany and PAL are tremendous examples of what we are capable of when we work together.”

The financial support to Feed Albany will help produce 4,000-5,000 free meals for at-risk individuals and families, first responders, nurses, doctors, and hospital staff working on the frontlines of the pandemic. Feed Albany began in response to many restaurant and service industry workers being laid off due to the pandemic, with a mission to provide meals to those adversely affected by the outbreak. Since March, more than 125,000 meals have been distributed throughout the Capital Region.



“It is a true blessing of the constant support we have been given to help take care of our community and we are very grateful for this generous donation made by AT&T,” said Dominick Purnomo, president, Feed Albany. “It is support like this that proves that during tough times we can come together and make it through them. AT&T’s contribution will help us provide meals for thousands of people who are in need in Albany and in the Capital Region.”

“Without question the 2020 – 2021 school year will be challenging for all participants,” said Sgt. (Retired) Lenny Ricchiuti, executive director, Albany PAL. “Our students will be navigating unchartered waters on many levels.  A primary concern is to safeguard their health and those they come in contact with. Collaborative efforts such as the initiative announced today with AT&T will allow us to provide reusable face masks and care instructions to thousands of Albany youth returning to school in the Fall. The face masks will be made of washable sustainable fabric and we will instruct the children on the proper use and care of their masks along with a lesson in personal accountability and the value of reusable vs disposal. In this time of great stress and concern our aim is to add both a safety component and an educational opportunity to what is certain to be a challenging school year.”

Albany PAL’s mission is to bring together local children, law enforcement and community through after-school activities, summer camps, clubs, and sports programs, serving 2,000 youth every year.

AT&T’s support to ensure all Albany students have a reusable face mask to enhance public health safety aligns with the Company’s  commitment to FirstNet, America’s only safety communications platform, providing 21st century tools to public safety agencies. It has proven to be an invaluable resource for first responders on the front lines fighting COVID-19, keeping them connected and safe. In addition to the support for Feed Albany, the Company has given $5.5 million to organizations to help feed the food insecure, first responders and healthcare workers during the pandemic.




About Philanthropy & Social Innovation at AT&T

AT&T is committed to advancing education, strengthening communities and improving lives. Through its community initiatives, AT&T has a long history of investing in projects that create learning opportunities; promote academic and economic achievement, and address community needs. The Company’s signature philanthropic initiative, AT&T Aspire, drives innovation in education to promote student success in school and beyond. With a financial commitment of $550 million since 2008, AT&T is leveraging technology, relationships, and social innovation to help all students make their biggest dreams a reality.



Media Contacts:

Benjamin Roberts, AT&T / [email protected] / 716.262.5882

David Galin, City of Albany [email protected] / 518.434.5100

Joah Alindato, Feed Albany[email protected] / 518.522.5591