Associated General Contractors of New York State Issue Statement on Governor Hochul’s Executive Budget Proposal
“We commend Governor Kathy Hochul on her Executive Budget Proposal, which makes broad investments in infrastructure and includes a number of provisions that will benefit New York’s economy, the men and women of New York’s construction industry—while also taking steps to increase the efficiency of delivering infrastructure projects in the Empire State and to address New York’s affordability crisis.
We strongly applaud the Governor for including in her Executive Budget proposal a much-needed $800 million increase for core New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) capital needs. This critical infusion will help to offset the devastating impact inflation and material cost escalation have had on the spending power of the capital program—allowing NYSDOT and the industry to do the work necessary to stop and reverse the historic decline of road and bridge conditions across New York.
AGC NYS is also grateful to Governor Hochul for including provisions to enhance work zone safety by seeking to make permanent New York’s automated work zone speed enforcement program and expand enhanced assault protections to transportation workers.
AGC NYS looks forward to working with our partners in the Legislature to see that these measures are included in the final enacted budget. We are also analyzing the other myriad policy proposals included in the Executive Budget proposal and will be engaging with the Governor and Legislature on those that impact New York’s construction industry in the weeks and months ahead,” said Mike Elmendorf, President & CEO, AGC NYS.
For more information about AGC NYS, please visit www.agcnys.org.
AGC NYS is New York’s largest statewide contractor association providing advocacy and education for contractors and affiliated firms helping grow the State’s economy and constructing its $30 billion annual building, transportation, civil and environmental infrastructure.