AARP Calls on Cuomo Administration for Plan to Vaccinate Homebound Seniors

Florida, Texas, Massachusetts, Other States Have Plans; ‘Why is NY Lagging Behind?’

ALBANY, N.Y.— AARP New York today called on the Cuomo administration to expedite a statewide plan to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to homebound seniors who are unable to travel to vaccination sites.

Efforts to immunize this population are inadequate, and they are a priority group that are being left behind even as the State is about to expand vaccine eligibility to all New Yorkers ages 16 and older as of next week.

AARP sent a letter to Governor Andrew Cuomo March 18 requesting implementation of a statewide coordinated plan to vaccinate the homebound (see full letter below). To date, the administration has not announced such a plan.

Texas, Florida and Massachusetts are among states that have rolled out such plans.

“The Cuomo administration has done a good job ensuring that vaccinations are available for adult New Yorkers who are able to get to vaccination sites, but the homebound are not,” said AARP New York State Director Beth Finkel. “And many homebound seniors have medical conditions that make them highly susceptible to COVID. That puts not only them in danger, but also any paid or unpaid caregivers who care for them. Other states are acting to address this issue now; why is New York lagging behind?”

Below is the text of AARP’s full letter to Governor Cuomo:

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