AARP and PULP Provide numbers on New York’s Utility Arrears Crisis


During the Covid-19 pandemic, many households have been impacted financially. More than 1.3 million New York households are unable to pay utility bills and now owe nearly $2 billion in arrears.

AARP and the Public Utility Law Project (PULP) compiled the latest information on the number of households at least 60 days late on their utility bills, breaking the numbers down by individual utility companies. (See attached.)

While the Senate included $400 million and the Assembly dedicated $500 million to addressing this arrears crisis in their respective one-house budget proposals, the governor did not include funding to tackle this issue in the executive budget.

AARP and PULP are calling on Governor Hochul to provide an additional $725 million to work on a common-sense remedy to help the millions of New Yorkers truly in need.