NY Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation Highlights Work of Direct Support Professionals as Part of DSP Week

By NY Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation | September 9, 2024

The hard-working New Yorkers who support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) will be honored and recognized this week as part of National Direct Support Professional Recognition Week, which runs Sept. 8-14.

“Direct Support Professionals are the heart and soul of the work taking place every day of the year in every corner of our state to support New Yorkers with autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, brain injury and other developmental disabilities,” said Michael Seereiter, President and CEO of the NY Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation.

“They not only deserve to be recognized and celebrated, but also valued as the backbone of the system New York State has created to ensure individuals with IDD can thrive, grow and live fulfilling lives. True inclusivity can’t exist without the work of our state’s 100,000 DSPs,” Seereiter said.

That not only means they need to receive a living wage, but must be given the opportunity to grow and thrive themselves in strong, sustainable workplaces fully supported by decision makers in Albany, Seereiter said.

Seereiter noted the average starting wage for DSPs in NYS is currently $16.74/hour and comes nowhere near to an accurate reflection of the complexity of their responsibilities.  Despite often times holding down two or three jobs just to make ends meet, half of DSPs in New York State experience food insecurity and half experience housing insecurity.

“Nonetheless,” Seereiter said, “these dedicated individuals show up, day in and day out, to provide the supports New Yorkers with disabilities need to live their everyday lives, and they do so with dignity and respect.”

As part of Direct Support Professionals week, the NY Alliance on Wednesday will hold its annual DSP Awards celebration, recognizing New Yorkers who demonstrate outstanding performance in their role of supporting a person or people with I/DD. One DSP from each of the Alliance’s six regions – Long Island, New York City, Northern New York, the Mid-Hudson, Western New York and the Capital Region — will receive awards based on nominations. Criteria include demonstrating skills in all 23 of the NYS DSP Core Competencies as well as demonstrated creativity and dedication in supporting people with I/DD to have fully enriched lives.


About the NY Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation
The NY Alliance is a statewide association representing 135 not-for-profit provider agencies serving people with disabilities. The NY Alliance envisions a society where people with disabilities are contributing citizens with equal rights and the ability to live full, productive and meaningful lives. For more information, visit https://nyalliance.org/.