The Building Decarbonization Coalition Announces Six Figure Television Ad Buy in Albany and New York City Markets

By The Building Decarbonization Coalition | March 18, 2022

The television ad will run through March and celebrate New York State’s historic steps towards decarbonization under Governor Kathy Hochul’s leadership.

New York, NY — March 18, 2021 — The Building Decarbonization Coalition ( is pleased to announce that it will be running a robust six figure television ad buy, beginning Monday, March 21st in Albany and New York City markets, on both cable and broadcast channels.  The 30 second television ad celebrates the historic steps the Hochul administration is taking towards building decarbonization, allowing New York State to reach its climate and emissions goals on schedule. The ad centers on Governor Hochul’s plan to halt gas expansion in new buildings, build 2 million decarbonized homes, and decarbonize 1,000 schools. On top of the climate benefits, Governor Hochul’s plan will help alleviate conditions that endanger the public health of New Yorkers and create thousands of high quality jobs.

“The Governor’s package of reforms are essential to New York’s roadmap to Climate Justice, provide necessary market certainty to scale clean heating and cooling, create thousands of high quality jobs, and are critical to meet the state’s climate and emissions targets in time,” said Lisa Dix – Director, Building Decarbonization Coalition (New York).   “We applaud these aggressive, nation leading commitments and support the Hochul administration as it seeks to include them in her budget.”

Both the ad and the script can be found, linked below.



About The Building Decarbonization Coalition: Launched in 2018, the Building Decarbonization Coalition, (, forges Public-Private partnerships among government authorities, utilities, manufacturers, builders, and other vital sector stakeholders. These diverse and dynamic partnerships drive the development of clean energy-powered, zero-emission homes, commercial buildings, and communities.