ICYMI: New Rockefeller Report on Role of Disability Service Providers in NYS Economy

By New York State Industries for the Disabled | December 13, 2021

New York State Industries for the Disabled &

New York Alliance for Inclusion & Innovation

Applaud New Rockefeller Institute of Government Report:

“The Role of Disability Service Providers in the NYS Economy”

“The Preferred Source Program works but it can and must be strengthened.”

“New York must make this sector a priority by addressing the workforce crisis.”

New York State Industries for the Disabled (NYSID) and the New York Alliance for Inclusion & Innovation applauded the new report, “The Role of Disability Service Providers in the New York State Economy,” released today (see below) by the Rockefeller Institute of Government.

Among the key findings in the report, (fiscal year 2019 data utilized):

  • 427 of New York’s nonprofit disability service providers reported $14.3 billion in economic output.
  • The providers supported nearly 200,000 full-time jobs and contributed $2.2 billion in federal and state tax revenue.
  • NYSID alone generated $407.3 million in economic impact.

NYSID President and CEO Maureen O’Brien said: “The Rockefeller Institute report puts hard numbers to what we’ve been saying for years — that when people with disabilities have jobs, it helps our entire state. The full report is worth reading because it highlights both the statewide impact and local impact in every region of New York. The Preferred Source Program works but it can and must be strengthened to support even more people and create more economic benefit for New York.”

As the Rockefeller Report notes, “The nature of employment opportunities and workplaces have shifted since NYSID was founded in 1974 and a regular review of requirements and thresholds is warranted.” The report recommends:

  • Lowering the direct labor requirement from 75 percent to 50 percent, since the “ratio of disabled employment required for PSP contracts was established in the era of sheltered workshops, but is now higher than the ratio legally allowed for integrated businesses as defined by OPWDD.”
  • Raising the price approval threshold for review to $250,000, from $50,000, lowering administrative overhead and allowing “NYSID to more effectively respond to customer needs and expand its client base.”

New York Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation President & CEO Michael Seereiter said: “While non-profit disability services organizations rely almost exclusively on government funding, they contribute immensely to economic output in New York and often are among the largest employers in their regions. This report provides compelling data that supports what we in the non-profit disability service provider sector have known for a long time. Namely, that investments in disability services not only make huge impacts in the quality of life of New Yorkers with disabilities, but also offer the State of New York an outstanding return on those investments. Looking ahead, New York must make this sector a priority by addressing the workforce crisis and ensuring sustainability of these organizations now and beyond.”

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About New York State Industries for the Disabled, Inc. (NYSID)

NYSID is a 501(c)(3) with the mission of “advancing employment and other opportunities for individuals with disabilities.” Established in 1975, NYSID facilitates employment opportunities for nearly 6,000 New Yorkers with disabilities annually through New York’s Preferred Source Program and in the private sector. NYSID’s community rehabilitation member agencies and corporate partners are located throughout the state, providing jobs in the community and in production facilities. For more information, visit www.nysid.org.

About the New York State Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation

The NY Alliance is a statewide association representing nearly 150 not-for-profit provider agencies serving people with disabilities. The NY Alliance envisions a society where people with disabilities are contributing citizens with equal rights and the ability to live full, productive and meaningful lives. For more information, visithttps://nyalliance.org/.