Unite NY New Video: Why Term Limits Make Sense for New York

By Unite NY | May 20, 2024

More Voices, More Choices campaign hits stretch run of Legislative Session – two day lobby event May 21 and 22 to meet with state lawmakers urging them to pass term limits on statewide offices

(Albany, NY) Unite NY, a non-profit, nonpartisan movement focused on improving democracy in New York State, has launched a brand new, informative video focused on one of its key priorities: Term Limits for Statewide Elected Officials. The video, featuring Unite NY’s State Organizing Director David Green, details how most New Yorkers are not satisfied with the direction New York is headed and how 40% of New Yorkers are considering leaving New York, according to statewide polling conducted by Unite NY.

State lawmakers have just a few more weeks to pass the legislation, sponsored by Assemblymember Monica Wallace’s Bill A9095 calling for term limits for the governor, lieutenant-governor, comptroller, and attorney-general. Unite NY strongly supports this legislation in which each office holder would be restricted to three terms in office.

“The clock is ticking and we need our leaders in Albany to be bold and make the changes necessary to improve our democracy,” said Unite NY’s Executive Director, Tim Dunn. ”Passing important term limits legislation may not solve everything, but it would address one of the biggest issues plaguing New York’s elections: voter apathy.”

Earlier in the session, Unite NY and supporters came to the State Capitol to urge leaders to embrace reform.  This late session effort was bolstered with support from US Term Limits, a respected national nonpartisan organization that has worked tirelessly with citizens all across the nation, helping them better understand why term limits are a necessary government reform, and how to implement that vision from your town council to Congress.

“Enacting term limits is the simplest and more logical reform our leaders can embrace to show they’re listening to the voters”, said New York State Director of US Term Limits Liz Gereghty.  “The time is now for our legislators – join us in linking arms with the voters on an issue that really matters.”

This tag-teamed  approach to lobbying focused on securing cosponsors for term limits through A.9095.  In addition to Term Limits, Unite NY’s More Voices, More Choices campaign seeks to elections in New York through five key priorities:

  • Term limits for statewide elected officials
  • Citizen ballot initiatives
  • Increased ballot access for candidates
  • Instant runoffs/Rank Choice Voting
  • Nonpartisan primaries

The term limits video was produced in conjunction with Students for Liberty, a rapidly growing network of pro-liberty students from all over the world.

To view the new Unite NY video, click here.

About Unite NY

Unite NY is a movement focused on engaging and empowering voters on important issues of reform that will allow for more voices and more choices and ultimately, more democracy. The membership organization seeks a more fair, open, and representative democracy that results in the voice of voters being heard by evolving the electoral system so that officials put what more voters want ahead of party interests. Learn more at UniteNY.org

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